Does IT matter?

Information technology may not be the heart and soul of any organization, but it’s pretty much close to it. We live in a time where it’s quite impossible to function without IT. It feels like anything cannot be done completely without it. That’s because IT matters.

This subject has taught me that. It has been a very interesting term for me. Not exactly how I thought it would be. Computer classes are usually boring considering that almost all the time, we have to stare at our computer screens and do what we have to do. But MIS is fun. It made me appreciate IT even more. I have fully understood it’s importance and the different aspects involved: knowledge management, ethics, online shopping, software piracy, social media, and a lot more. Blogs and quizzes are a good help in absorbing information because we get to familiarize ourselves with it as we brainstorm on what to discuss in both platforms.

Indeed, it would be quite difficult nowadays to function without IT. Almost all types of career involve IT. it is essential that we have a good understanding of what IT is and its importance not only at work but also in our personal lives. We just need to use it responsibly as it may harm us as much as it can help us.

Responsible Use of Social Media

With social media, comes great responsibility. Although, we have more freedom and wider audience range when it comes to using social media, we must always consider what we post online. Nothing is private on the web. And once you’ve posted it, it may never be ‘deleted.’

There are a lot of advantages that social media could offer. It connects us with the world, be it old friends, co-workers, mentors, relatives, or business partners. You can find people who have the same interests as you. You can reach out to almost everyone, even famous celebrities and politicians. That’s why we must always consider whatever we post online. One wrong post could ruin one’s reputation.

Here are some of the principles I have lived with when it comes to using social media:

  • Always ask yourself if it’s true, hurtful, illegal, unnecessary, or kind.
  • Do not spread rumors of any kind or use it as a platform for bullying.
  • Use it to promote ideas and creativity.
  • Do not ever post confidential information.
  • Limit the use of social media to have more time with the more important things.

Think before you click!

Computer Ethics

Software piracy is stealing. Stealing is a crime. Therefore, it is a serious matter. It may not feel like so, but it is the same as actually stealing something from a grocery store. It must not be tolerated. It greatly affects the economy especially the software industry.

People living in the country are used to ‘buying’ pirated versions of different softwares. It can be bought from the malls or downloaded from the internet. The buyers don’t feel as much guilt in committing such a crime because almost everyone does it and it’s much cheaper as compared to purchasing the actual product. But this is not enough of a reason to excuse us from ‘stealing.’

The government has its own ways to deal with those breaking the law but why is it still so rampant? While piracy is not easy to stop, it can be reduced. One way is through frequently educating the buyers of the risks and dangers that are brought about by using unlicensed products. It may be cheaper, but it can damage their gadgets. Another way is to sell these products at a lower cost that can be afforded by the people in developing countries. Or they could offer simpler versions and they could just pay for upgrades.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) is a practice concerned with increasing awareness, fostering learning, speeding collaboration and innovation, and exchanging insights. It aims to improve the creation, retention, sharing, and reuse of knowledge. We may not realize it, but KM is very important. It helps us have sets of standards to follow, especially in my line of work which is in banking.

Employees need to follow certain standards in order to deliver the best quality service that we promise to deliver to our clients. Job rotations, transfers, and turnovers are normal which is why we need to document our ‘knowledge’. It is for us to be able to pass on to the next person in charge what he needs to do and how to do it. It helps that person be able to understand the processes easier and better.

KM also guides us to identify which areas need improvement and which areas give us edge. Although KM is important, not all knowledge can be documented which is one of the barriers for implementation. Another reason would be that the person who possesses the ‘knowledge’ might be hesitant to share his knowledge because he feels that this is his competitive advantage. This is what sets him apart.

Thus, “Knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment.” Yes, you may have an edge if you have ‘it’, but it would be more beneficial to the organization if knowledge is shared and reused. Every one gets to be more productive. Everyone gets to have an edge. Productivity reflects in the performance of the organization. It helps the organization have the competitive edge over its competitors. It makes a difference.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) includes a wide range of applications, practices, and technologies for the extraction, translation, integration, analysis, and presentation of data to support improved decision-making. BI tools are being used by companies to help them make adjustments about future conditions to better meet forecasted needs.

Adapting to changes is always hard at first, this includes having to embrace the use of BI tools. A lot may hesitate to adapt to the new ways but through proper training and motivation, eventually people will get used to it. Humans are driven by a force in order for them to do what they want to do. This force is something that motivates them. Oftentimes, people in the organization appreciate positive motivation or rewards rather than punitive programs. We are more eager to learn if we do it in a fun way. Let them adapt to changes willingly rather than forcing them to. They will soon realize how these changes could actually make their work easier and get it done faster. Paying raises may also be one way to motivate people but that may not be the best solution.

BI tools are what keep a company more coordinated and more accurate in making decisions. It is necessary that its end-users embrace these tools in order to maximize resources to better attain the company’s goals and objectives.

Let’s Go Shopping!

Online shopping has never been more fun! I’d bet a lot of people nowadays shop online rather than actually do it physically. Why? Because it’s so convenient. You save a lot of time, money, and effort! Another thing is that there are so many sites to choose from. You get to compare similar products from different sellers and decide which one to buy best. You could also get to buy products that are not available in your country. You could shop from almost anywhere in the world with just a few clicks here and there!

You get to enjoy online shopping anytime, anywhere! Unfortunately, there are also a number of reasons why you should reconsider buying online. One major drawback would be fraud or quality concerns. Since you don’t get to check the products with your hands, you can never be sure of the authenticity of the items especially when it comes to expensive products. Another disadvantage would be security. When you purchase online, you disclose you personal information and maybe even you credit card number. We would rather avoid scams and people using our accounts illegally. And nobody wants the hassle of having to return items.

After weighing in the pros and cons of online shopping, these are the three things that I will buy online: books, apps for devices, and travel tickets. It’s so convenient and I can always get the best deals, it’s almost always available, and it saves me time. Three things I would hesitate buying online: clothes, gadgets, and accessories. This would probably depend on the credibility of the suppliers. I usually doubt the quality of these products because they could feature the best photo and there could always be a disclaimer that actual products may not look exactly like the photos. And the three things i would never buy online: luxury goods/jewelry, pets, and prescription medicine. These are much more expensive and have more risks in a lot of aspects.

Online shopping is a like a gift from above. Its advantages definitely outweigh its disadvantages. However, we just need to be responsible, smart, and vigilant when shopping online.

Wireless Network Technologies: Anytime, Anywhere, Always.

There is no denying how much wireless network technologies have improved our lives be it at home or at work. Innovations made it possible to make it seem simple. We don’t have to set up a bunch of technology ‘stuff’ we can’t even begin to comprehend in order for us to stay connected.

Most organizations can barely operate without the help of wireless network technologies. It has become easier for them most especially in terms of always staying connected with their employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. Productivity has also improved because it made it faster and simpler for companies to function. Wireless devices also have a great impact in the workplace. They can have easy access on company data and system even outside the office. It saves time and costs!

Clearly, this is one of the best innovations of our time. While we get to enjoy this, let us also be responsible in using this privilege especially in the organization. Avoid any activity that is unrelated to your work, especially downloading and online streaming, avoid adding in people who are not part of the organization, set up strong passwords for connectivity, and be sure to back up important files.

Outsourcing IT Security

More and more companies resort to outsourcing to cope with today’s very competitive environment and ever-changing technological trends. Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company contracts with another organization to provide services that could be provided by company employees. Most common reasons why companies resort to outsourcing include minimizing or lowering costs, improving focus on more important priorities, and upgrading capabilities and services.

However, outsourcing also comes with its disadvantages which would include limited communication between the client and its customers that could affect the relationship building process, quality problems, and data security which means a possibility of exposing confidential company information.

Clearly, the advantages of outsourcing overshadow its disadvantages. However, companies need to be clear with its service level agreement. Company goals should be aligned with the objectives of outsourcing, confidentiality of data should be established even after termination of the contract, and no subcontractors should be clearly stated.

Outsourcing IT does not guarantee profit for the company. That’s why it is advisable to weigh in the benefits and risks, and determine the importance of the tasks that need to be outsourced.

What does it take?

As technology continues to advance, so do the qualities of the leaders of the organizations who are in charge of making important decisions. Managers are said to bring out the best in their people, but they must also make sure that company resources are being used efficiently. One of the most crucial decisions of today’s business world is how to choose the best information system (IS) to be used. Companies in the same industry may have relatively the same IS but it is with how you use these systems that will give you a competitive advantage.

In order to make sound IS decisions, a manager should be goal-oriented. He must be able to see the big picture to be able to have a clear sense of direction. Managers take in a lot of information therefore he must be able to make firm decisions which will make the organization more productive.

Another quality is being versatile. We work in a fast-paced, ever-changing world. One must be able to effectively adapt to change and be able to embrace these changes. Lastly, managers must possess excellent communication skills. Choosing the right IS is only a part of the process, the other part is being able to effectively implement this to the users within the organization. A manager must be able to communicate how the system will be able to make everyone more productive for the organization to be more competitive.

IT and Me

Technology has embraced humanity (yes, it’s not humanity that has embraced technology) in such a way that we can barely function without our ‘devices.’ Almost everything can be done online: storing photos (or any other files for that matter), sending messages, playing games with people from across the globe, purchasing airline tickets, checking bank accounts, paying monthly bills, buying just about anything through online shops, you could even get a degree online!

Communication has probably been one of the most useful developments of today. When was the last time you left home without your phone? No more snail mails! No more costly long distance calls! I can easily reach anyone anywhere in the world with just a few clicks here and there. It really is bringing people and cultures closer together.

Imagine a life without IT. No smartphones, TV’s, computers, the list goes on. It would definitely be harder to get by each day without these innovations. In fact, my thoughts would not be conveyed to you, dear reader, if not for the wonder that is Information Technology. Whether it is at home, at work, or at school, technology has made my life, and yours, too, easier and more fun!